Market Risk
Equity markets are volatile and the price of equities fluctuate based on a number of factors such as changes in the economic climate, general movements in interest rates and the political and social environment which will also affect the value of the securities held in the unit trust, thereby affecting the overall value of the unit trust.
Currency Risk / Foreign Exchange Risk
This risk is associated with investments that are denominated in foreign currencies. When the foreign currencies fluctuate against the South African Rand, the investments face currency gains or losses.
Concentration Risk
Unit Trusts pool the assets of many investors and use the proceeds to buy a portfolio of securities. There are regulations in place which limit the amount that a unit trust may invest in securities, thereby spreading the risk across securities, asset classes and companies.
Liquidity Risk
This relates to the ability of the unit trust to trade out of a security held in the portfolio at or near to its fair value. This may impact on liquidity and in the case of foreign securities, the repatriation of funds.
Credit Risk
Credit risk arises where an issuer of a non-equity security or a swap is unable to make interest payments or to repay capital. The Fund may be exposed to credit risk on the counterparties in relation to instruments such as cash, bonds and swaps that are not traded on a recognised exchange. The possibility of the insolvency, bankruptcy or default of a counterparty with which the Fund trades such instruments, could result in losses to the Fund.
Total Return Swaps Risk
This portfolio may invest in total return swaps. Total return swaps are unlisted instruments issued by a bank to provide the return of a specific index. Therefore, the equity exposure in this portfolio is derived through the total return swap and not by physically holding the equities in the portfolio. The value of the instrument is directly linked to the performance of the basket of assets per the index and will fluctuate in line with the daily market movements.
Inflation Risk
The risk of potential loss in the purchasing power of your investment due to a general increase of consumer prices.
Tax Risk
This risk relates to any change to tax laws or to the interpretation of existing tax laws which has an impact on the manner in which unit trusts are taxed.
Compliance Risk
This refers to the risk of not complying with the legislation, regulations, prescribed investment limits and internal policies and procedures by the manager or the portfolio manager.
Political Risk
The risk that investment returns could suffer as a result of a country’s political changes or instability in the country. Instability could come from changes in the country’s government, policy makers or military.
Average Weighted Costs
The average weighted cost of underlying funds is calculated using the latest available Total Investment Charges (TIC) of the underlying funds and their static weightings at month end on the selected Platform. This will vary daily as the actual weightings of the underlying funds fluctuate. The abovementioned fees include VAT but exclude Investment manager, Financial Advisor, Consulting and Platform fees.
The information and opinions contained in this document are recorded and expressed in good faith and in reliance on source believed to be credible. No representation, warranty, undertaking or guarantee of whatever nature is given on the accuracy and/or completeness of such information on the correctness of such opinions Synergy and/or Analytics Consulting will have no liability of whatever nature and however arising in respect of any claim, damages, loss or expenses suffered directly or indirectly by the investor or the investor’s financial advisor acting on the information contained in this document. Furthermore, due to the fact that neither Synergy or Analytics Consulting act as the investor’s financial advisor, they have not conducted a financial needs analysis and will rely on the needs analysis conducted by the investor’s financial advisor. Synergy and Analytics Consulting recommend that investors and financial advisors take particular care to consider whether any information contained in this document is appropriate given the investor’s objectives, financial situation and particular needs in view of the fact that there may be limitations in the appropriateness of any advice provided No guarantee of investment performance or capital protection should be inferred from any of the information contained in this document. The value of participatory interests may go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Sources: Performance sourced from Morningstar and Analytics Consulting, for the periods ending at the month end date of this MDD, for a lump sum using NAV-NAV prices with income distributions reinvested. CPI for all urban areas sourced from FactSet. Asset Allocation data compiled by Analytics Consulting.
Contact Details
Synergy Multi Managers (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 46159. Tel: (011) 781 3341 Web:
Portfolio Analytics Consulting (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 18490. Tel 021 936 9500 Web: